College Name: Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College
Organizing Department: The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
Event Date: 03-03-2016 & 04-03-2016
Last Date: 26-02-2016
Address: Vattamalaipalayam , Coimbatore
College Website Link: www.srec.ac.in/
Event / Brochure Website Link: www.srec.ac.in/news_doc/EST.pdf
Email Address: hod-est@srec.ac.in
Dear Viewers The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is Conducting Two Days Workshops. It is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System.
The major objective of the ISTE is to provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity and to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations. ISTE Chapter, SREC was started in the year 1994 and has 175 Members of faculty as ISTE Life members.
Free and open-source software (FOSS) Club is to motivate the learners in the field of Open Source Software Systems for the better understanding and utilization of OSS Products, to enable the learners about any updates in the area of OSS and preparing them for the proper usage of OSS Tools. This club was inaugurated by the Kenneth Gonsalves, Founder President, Indian Python Software Society in the year 2012. Now the club has 300 student members from the departments of CSE/IT/EIE.
Course Content
Introduction of Raspberry PI Hardware and Installation
- Setting up Raspberry Pi
- Flashing and loading the SD card with the OS
- Installing and Booting the OS
- Intro of items on the desktop (Debian Linux/ Wheezy)
- Architecture and Hardware specifications
- Introduction to ARM, GPIO’s
Getting Started with Linux Environment
- Ethernet Setting for Wired Connection
- Setting up a remote connection for RPi using VNC and SSH
Introduction to Python programming Language
- History and Basic of Python
- My first program on scratch, LED Blinking using Scratch
Interfacing with RPi
- Enabling GPIO pins, LED interfacing using the GPIO
- Buzzer, PIR, Ultrasonic, DHT Sensors interfacing
- Bluetooth Module Interfacing
- WiFi Module Interfacing
Setting up of Web Server in RPi
Installation, Configuration of LAMP Server on RPi
Simple Web Application design
Important Dates
Registration form along with D.D should reach us on or before 26.02.2016
Intimation to participant on or before: 28.02.2016
Registration Fees
Category INR
PG/UG Students/Faculties from Academic Institutions 1000
ISTE Life members(To submit proof of membership) 900
Accomadation with food (Optional) 400
- No Spot Registration & Registration is restricted to 25 participants only.
- The registration is based on first come first serve basis.
Registration fee includes kit, Certificate, Working Lunch, Tea & Snacks.
Prof.K.Manoharan, Prof. & HoD/ CSE
Dr.S.Jayanthy, Prof. & HoD/ECE (PG-EST)
For further enquries and communication,
Contact :
The Convenor,
Department of ECE(PG – E.S.T),
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,
Coimbatore – 6410 22.
Phone : 0422-2460088, 2461588
Mobile : 9629432034, 9095262645
Email id: hod-est@srec.ac.in
DD Drawn in favor of
The Principal,
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore Payable at Coimbatore.